Monday, September 23, 2019

Celebrating the World of Science

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 “Metabolize: Nourishing the Filipino Youth towards Nutritional Well-being”. This is the theme for this year’s National Science Month celebration. The National Science Day is being celebrated every year to widely spread a message about the importance of science used in the daily life of the people. To display all the activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science for human welfare. As we all know, science is everywhere. 
The Science Month celebration aims to develop and improve the skills, critical thinking, and knowledge of every student by participating on the different kinds of activities. Some activities involve the science exhibits wherein all the science projects, trivia, and experiments are posted and the students should go and look the exhibit. Science tricks are also involved in this celebration wherein all students per year level should have a one sci-trick to perform and to explain and it is categorized by the different classifications of science. The students also help the school to become clean and free from plastics by collecting all plastic bottles and turn them into some useful materials. There is also a search for G. at Bb. Kalikasan, this is the highlight for the Science Month celebration. There is also an activity for the singers naming the Himig Kalikasan wherein the interested students should sing a song about our environment. There is also a camping and is camping aims to protect the environment by doing simple activities like coastal clean-up and tree planting. 
The science month is full of excitement. Every student must participate on the activities so that they will gain knowledge and have some fun. With the help of this activities, you will able to learn and discover new things in your life. 



Solidarity… Solidarity means unity or agreement of feelings or actions especially among individuals with a common interests and it is a mutual support within a group.
            Solidarity is very important to us and is very useful for us. With solidarity, we can be as one and we can do things as one. We can do lot of things or work with unity rather than working on your own. The work becomes lighter when someone is there to help us.

It is also a way of having a communication to other people to know their thoughts on that particular subject and for you to make an agreement. It is a mutual support within the group in the sense that you and the other persons on your group supports the decision of the one member and not contradicting what he is saying or doing. Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It is like aa tie in a society that binds people together.

In our city, Vigan, every September, the city commemorates the World Heritage Cities Solidarity Cultural Festival. It aims to make the pride, history, and cultures to become stronger. Solidarity promotes friendship between other countries. There are also different activities involved in this celebration. One of these is zarsuela ilocana, historia oral, sabayang pagbigkas, daniw, folk dance, solidarity games and many more

Solidarity makes Unity.


Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Happy School for A Happy Kid

Happy Schools Movement. This is a movement which advocates to promote that every school should be safe, should be better, and a school should be an enjoyable place to learn for the students.
Image result for happy kid at school     Happy Schools Movement or the HSM aims to provide the children a school that is trusted and safe. We all know that the school is our second home. So just like in our home, we should be safe on any harm of hazards that may come to us. Because the school is said to be our second home, they should provide facilities to ensure safety, should provide a clean environment in order for the students to be away from diseases like dengue. The school should be totally secured and should have a proper security system for the students.
Image result for happy school movement      Happy Schools Movement also look for the betterment of the schoolchildren. When the school that we’re in is we can say that it’s the best school, ten it is expected that the students in that school can be a better person, can achieve their ambitions and it is expected that most of the students will graduate and will have a successful life in the future. We can say that the school is the best when the teachers and employees are good in doing their part and obligations, so the good doings also reflects on the students.
     Happy Schools Movement give the students an enjoyable place to learn. Children nowadays can easily get bored, so this HSM offers and enjoyable school for the children. Enjoyable in the sense that the students will also have fun in studying, the students will also have a time to enjoy, for them to rest their minds in thinking the whole day, and also to avoid stress to the children or to the students.
     So, let’s join this Happy Schools Movement.