Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thursday, December 10, 2020



You should always know what you’re clicking and make sure that you’ll think first before doing an action.

Princess Anne R. Bautista 


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Life Goes On

We all know that the year 2020 is different from any other year. It has made its own infamous definition. It has lock us down to our home, a comfort place that along the way somehow suffocated us for staying for too long.  

Life goes on, live normal, learn to move forward and dare to continue living even the world not in the normal state as before.

There are so many possibilities in this unknown tomorrow, there is still hope arising every morning, that lights our way to look forward and be brave to breathe in and breath out.

Learn to move forward, move forward to learn. Pandemic doesn't stop everyone to move forward, to learn more. Our situation right now don't stop  the students to learn and to study. They are still chasing their dreams and able to pursue their studies and learning everyday and day.

Dare to continue living, people don't stop, businessman, workers, continue to make a living. Online sellers and creative business plans bloom in this pandemic. Everyday as you continue to live, there is a continuous growth for you and everyone, continuous progress to your businesses and plans, continuous living to strive each day to make a living outside.

Pandemic give as fear, but more than the feeling of being scared, it give us more courage to make a little step day by day to continue life, to make things goes on and on.

It thought to us also the importance of a healthy body, healthy living, and healthy relationship.

More than the importance of our work, business, busy career, there is much more important and that is our health-our body. Healthy living help us also to focused on the things to make us healthier and be strong always. importantly and lastly the connection and having a healthy relationship inside our home, this pandemic help us to build a stronger relationship with our parents, relatives and also love ones.

Life goes on, go on and do the things what your doing from the start even the pandemic is here, do it inside your home, invite your family and love ones to join, and be creative in the small corner of your room.

Live normal even around us is not normal, face mask, face shield, and 1 meter away from people and love them closer and closer. For even the pandemic don't stop us to build a connection to everyone, especially in times of the typhoon happened in our country, the pandemic is not the hindrance for us to help and share and offering our hand to help to them, it makes us build more a strong relationship to other and be closer to their heart.

The pandemic has affected our lives most in a negative way but if we train our focus on the positive side of every situation, we can somehow see a small light in the darkest times. That small light can change everything. To use this year and this situation we are in to realize things, to be grateful of the things we took for granted before and reanalyze our dreams and priorities in life. 2020 may not be the year we wanted it to be. It may not be the year that we achieve what we wanted to achieve, but it can be the year where we taught  ourselves to be contented of what we have now and to be grateful of the life that we're still living today. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Its Parting Time

This is now the end of our junior high school years. It’s hard to say that one month is the remaining days and it’s sad cause we will be apart after this time. The memories will always be remembered and treasured. The happiness I’ve experienced with my classmates will always be in my heart. All the teamworks we’ve shared together so that no one will be left behind, I’ll miss that thing. All the laughters we’ve shared. To my friends, thank you for being always there when I need someone to rant to. To all the teachers who have imparted their knowledge to us, thank you because you’ve done your parts as our teachers and thank you for teaching us good morals. You are our light in achieving our dreams.

My Dream, My Future

All of us have dreams in life. Some wants to become a policeman/policewoman, businessman/businesswoman, an engineer, an architect, a teacher, a lawyer, a nurse, a politician, a doctor, a fireman and others. We are doing great just to achieve our dreams someday. Every time we do things, we think first of what will be the effect on our life and to our dreams in the future.
Image result for doctorTo become a successful doctor. This is my dream profession in my life and for my future. I want to become a doctor if God permits in order for me to help the sick people, to give a cheaper medicine yet trusted, to give a high quality medicine. I want to become a doctor because I want to discover the cure of many illnesses which is commonly the cause of human death. So by now, I am studying hard to achieve that dream. And I’m also dreaming of having a successful and peaceful life in the future. Our future depends on what we are doing at present times. So before doing anything, think twice, then decide. And always pray to God and ask for His guidance and protection.
Image result for doctor
Be future-oriented and goal-oriented. Believe in yourself so that you can be who you really are and you can prove yourself.


High School Day Celebration

Image result for high school day
High School Day is celebrated on the month of March. In this celebration the students showcase their talents with the help of the teachers and with the different activities. This day is one of the most exciting and most memorable day of their high school life.
 High school day is one of the most awaited event in school. This day will be the day for them to relax, enjoy, and have fun. On this day, there will be booths that will be build up, some are message booth, photo booth, food booth and many more. High school day is also called foundation day. This is to celebrate the years when the school was built. The students on every year level will also prepare an intermission number in a form of a dance but this will be a contest. High school day is the day when we can do anything we want. This is the day for us, students, to be happy and enjoy the moments with our friends.
For me, this is the happiest day of my high school life.


Kannawidan Festival

Image result for kannawidan festival 2020
Ilocos Sur is a famous and beautiful province in the northern part of Luzon. Thus is a province that is rich in culture that showcases the ancient Spanish and Filipino heritage. The locals of this province created a festival to present, show, and share this treasure to the whole world and to highlight the cultures and traditions of Ilocanos. This celebration is called the Kannawidan festival.
Image result for kannawidan festival 2020This Kannawidan festival is celebrated during the last week of January up to the last week of February. This celebration is also a commemoration of the province’s foundation day. On the first day, the people usually prepare for a mass held at St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral, then a procession of the patron saints around Vigan City will follow. This is also a way of giving thanks to the Almighty. There are also different activities and contests that will focus on moulding the skills and abilities of the children or students, some are street dancing, showdown, choir, marching band competition, traditional and folk dances. On this event, you will also see an OTOP (One Town, One Product) which means that every town will have their own product to be portrayed.
“We come up with this activity to promote the different festivals of each town in our province. Our goal is to lift the Kannawidan Ylocos and become one of the major and most recognized festivals in the country. We hope that in the coming years, all municipalities will participate”, Gov. Ryan Luis Singson said.
Together we stand as one. Let’s make Kannawidan a famous and recognized festival of all time. Sure, Ilocos Sur!
