Wednesday, February 12, 2020

High School Day Celebration

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High School Day is celebrated on the month of March. In this celebration the students showcase their talents with the help of the teachers and with the different activities. This day is one of the most exciting and most memorable day of their high school life.
 High school day is one of the most awaited event in school. This day will be the day for them to relax, enjoy, and have fun. On this day, there will be booths that will be build up, some are message booth, photo booth, food booth and many more. High school day is also called foundation day. This is to celebrate the years when the school was built. The students on every year level will also prepare an intermission number in a form of a dance but this will be a contest. High school day is the day when we can do anything we want. This is the day for us, students, to be happy and enjoy the moments with our friends.
For me, this is the happiest day of my high school life.


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