Thursday, August 1, 2019

Preparedness prevents Accident

 We cannot control the risks that may happen or come into our lives. We always need to be prepared in order for us to be safe every day. These days, we are frequently experiencing earthquakes because we are on the Pacific Ring of Fire. That’s why there is that program that the government implemented a program that may help us to be educated, to help us knowing what to do in case of earthquake occurrence and this program is the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill.

This National SED is done to all schools to educate the students. This program teaches the students what to do incase an earthquake occur. In this earthquake drill, the students are instructed to perform the duck, cover, and hold, they are instructed on what to do if one of their classmate have an injury or injured. The Bureau of Fire Protection is always there in case of fire disorders, Red Cross of the Philippines is also there to help or to help or to guide the injured students, the Philippine National police also helps the safety and security of students. In this simultaneous earthquake drill, this is a good idea so that the students will not panic anymore because they already know what to do.
            Preparedness is the best way to prevent accidents. We need to be prepared all the time. We need to be prepared so that we can live our lives to the fullest.

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